Get Accidentally Deleted Posts Back

If you delete your blog by mistake, there are 100% chances of recovering it by using the blogger's Undelete this blog feature but unfortunately these is no option like Undelete this post. So how do we get the accidentally deleted posts back?
There are three ways, one of which depends on the cooperation of a helper plus a good memory or clever guesswork.

This method is applicable if you are still working on the same computer where you had prepared the post (or had viewed the deleted post). Just press ctrl+H (Cmd+H on MAC OS) to open a sidebar listing the browser history. Go to the part where you were editing the post and continue to edit or publish the post (or copy-paste from the cached copy of the displayed post):
Alternative keyboard shortcut to call up the browser is shift+ctrl+H (shift+Cmd+H for MAC OS).
This method is applicable if you had not closed the tab or window where you had been preparing the deleted post (or had viewed the deleted post). Just keep pressing the BACK button till you get back to the point where you were editing the post (or had viewed the post).

Try to find a cached copy of the deleted post on the Web and restore the post from the cached copy. Type in
to try to find cached copies on the net.
Alternatively, you can just type in some relevant search terms, especially what you can remember from the post title, into the search box and search. If the search throws up a result, click the link cached (see screen shot below) to open the cached webpage and either reconstruct a fresh post with the content from that cached webpage.

Another possibility is to try the Way Back Machine. This is a tool which archives the post of almost all the website. Enter your website's URL in the WAY BACK MACHINE and it will show the cached copy of the post it has archived from your website. If you are lucky enough you will find your deleted post as well. 


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